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Visiting Emmanuel Church

Sunday Worship Times

9:30 AM - Worship Service


Sunday mornings at Emmanuel start at 9:30 with worship.  Regardless of what time you arrive, you will be greeted at the door and directed to wherever you need to go.  We want everyone who comes to our building to feel welcome, but we will never put you on the spot.


All of God’s children (regardless of age) are welcome in the sanctuary during the main worship service, and we have a spot where the children gather on the chancel steps for “Children’s Time.”  Almost everyone says they aren't bothered by children making noise, but rather love the sound!  We often find that the parents are more upset than anyone else.  To help put your mind at ease, we have two things available for your use.  The first is what we refer to as “Busy Bags” containing things such as children’s coloring and activity books.  These are located in the hallway as you enter the building from the parking area.  Please feel free to take one on your way into the sanctuary.  We also have a nursery room to which you could take your child.  We try our best to have a volunteer available to stay with your child if you'd like.  The sound system runs into the nursery so you will still be able to hear the worship service while taking care of your child.

After Children's Time, all school aged children are welcome to join Jr. Church where they'll learn about the same lessons as during church, but broken down into kid-friendly bites!  Jr. Church occurs during the remaining portion of the service.  Parents may collect their children in the hallway after the service is dismissed.  No Jr. Church is held on the first Sunday of each month when Communion is held during the service so all may participate.



At Emmanuel, it’s not unusual to see someone in jeans and a t-shirt sitting next to a woman in a dress or a man in a suit.  We want you to be comfortable, and we want you to come back, so please wear what you think is appropriate and within the general rules of decency.



When you come to Emmanuel, all you will NEED to bring is a heart for God and neighbor, and an open mind for what God wants you to receive.  Some things you may WANT to bring with you include a Bible or e-reader to follow the Scripture, a notepad to jot down whatever touches your heart during the service or your smart phone to quietly post new insights to Twitter or Facebook.  If you happen to forget your Bible, we have some in the pews for your use.  An offering is taken during the worship service, so you might want to bring something for that, but ONLY if you want and can afford to do so.  If you want to know where the money goes, just ask!  We will be happy to tell you about all of our missions and ministries.  In fact, you can see the monthly missions in each week's bulletin!


“Am I good enough to go to church?”  The answer: None of us is good enough to stay away!  We are all sinners in need of salvation that we cannot attain on our own.  That is why “The Word became flesh and made his home among us (John 1:14a, CEB).”

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